OECD Resources on financial education
Professor Eveline Crone, in Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University
Crone, E. A., Van Duijvenvoorde, A. C. K., & Peper, J. S. (in press). Neural contributions to risk taking in adolescence: Developmental changes and individual differences. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines.
J. Michael Collins, Professor at University of Wisconsin and Faculty Director of the Center for Financial Security
Brown, A., J. M. Collins, M. Schmeiser, and C. J. Urban (2015). Evaluating the Effects of High School Personal Finance Graduation Standards on Credit Scores.
Collins, J. M. and E. Odders-White (2016). Evaluating Experiential Financial Education in Elementary Classrooms. Working paper.
More background materials: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~jmcollin/
Elsa Fornero
“Reform, Inform, Educate”: A New Paradigm for Pension Systems in B. Marin (ed.), “The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe”, Ashgate, 2015, pp. 297-324.
(with Chiara Monticone) Financial Literacy and Pension Plan Participation in Italy, Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 10(4): pp 547-564, 2011.
(with Chiara Monticone) Women and Pensions. Effects of Pension Reforms on Women’s Retirement Security, in B. Marin, E. Zolyomi (eds), Women’s Work and Pensions: What is Good, What is Best?, Ashgate – European Centre Vienna, 2010.
The 'Awareness' Trap: Why Most Companies Are Failing to Change Consumer Behaviour
Behavior change in tax collection
Sander Duivestein
Blockchain: cryptoplatform for a frictionless economy
Annamaria Lusardi
Financially Fragile Households
1. Policy issues
- OECD (2015), Policy Handbook on National Strategies for Financial Education
- OECD/INFE High-level Principles on National Strategies for Financial Education (2012) and work on National Strategies for Financial Education
2. Target groups
- OECD (2014), Financial Education for Youth: The Role of Schools, OECD Publishing
- OECD (2015), OECD/INFE International Core Competencies Framework on Financial Education for Youth
- OECD (2008), Improving Financial Education and Awareness on Insurance and Private Pensions
- OECD/INFE (2016), Report on Financial Education for Retirement Planning
3. Evidence
- OECD (2016), Trends and recent developments on Financial Education in Europe
- OECD (2014), PISA 2012 Results: Students and Money: Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century (Volume VI), OECD Publishing, Paris
- OECD/INFE 2015 OECD/INFE Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion; with selected Financial Well-being measures.
4. Selected academic resources on financial education
- Atkinson, Messy, Rabinovich and Yoong (2015), "Financial Education for Long-term Savings and Investments", OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 39, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- C. de Bassa Scheresberg and A. Lusardi (2014), Financial Capability near Retirement: A Profile of Pre-retirees
- María José Roa García - Financial education and behavioral finance: New insights into the role of information in financial decisions
- Fornero, E. (2013), Reforming labor markets: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became the Italian Minister of Labor, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, Vol.2(20).
- Fornero, E., A. Lusardi and C. Monticone (2013), Adequacy of Saving for Old Age in Europe, in A. Van
- C. de Bassa Scheresberg and A. Lusardi (2014), Financial Capability near Retirement: A Profile of Pre-retirees
- A. Lusardi, P-C Michaud, and O. S. Mitchell, Optimal Financial Knowledge and Wealth Inequality (Forthcoming in the Journal of Political Economy)
- Batty, M., Collins, J. M. and Odders-White, E. (2015), Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Financial Education on Elementary School Students' Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitudes. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49: 69–96.
- Collins, J. M. (2013), The impacts of mandatory financial education: Evidence from a randomized field study. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization