Queen Máxima opens OECD symposium on financial education
The Hague, March 29 2016 – Her Majesty Queen Máxima will open the two day conference ‘The Netherlands-OECD Global Symposium on Financial Resilience Throughout Life’ on April 20 in the Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam. This symposium is initiated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Dutch Money Wise Platform, of which Queen Máxima is the honorary chair. During the symposium international prominent experts speak about financial education, an important instrument towards sustainable economic growth and financial stability. Never before have this many international experts gathered on the subject.
Gurría, Dijsselbloem and Lusardi speak about financial resilience
Besides the presence of Her Majesty Queen Máxima, the symposium hosts various international prominent expert speakers, including OECD Secretary-General Mr. Angel Gurría, President of the Eurogroup Mr. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and professor Annamaria Lusardi. Participants from around the world include officials and experts from the OECD/International Network on Financial Education (INFE), ministries of finance and education, central banks, regulatory and supervisory authorities, governmental officials, as well as international organizations, the academic community, the private sector and NGOs. Topics addressed are, among others: How to design effective financial education interventions; How to avoid financial vulnerability; Making financial education work for youth and in schools; and Retirement Planning.
International professionals interested in Dutch approach
Money Wise is a Dutch platform where partner organizations from the financial sector, government, consumer organizations and science join forces in order to create responsible financial behavior in the Netherlands. The public-private approach by Money Wise meets ample international interest, especially for the open, constructive attitude between the partner organizations, as well as the result driven way of working.
The importance of financial education
Her Majesty Queen Máxima is the honorary chair of Money Wise and raises awareness for financial education and responsible financial behavior, for instance during the Dutch Money week, during which primary scholars learn how to deal with money sensibly. Financial education is of great importance to make a proper start in life and keep financially afloat, yet also to be well prepared for unexpected situations. The Money Wise Platform is an initiative of the Dutch Treasury.
Up until April 19, 12AM, press can register at quoting media, name and function. Please note that too large an interest may limit press access.
For more information:
Jochem Rotteveel: +31-6
Henriëtte Raap-Scheele: +31-6, or
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